Winner 2023 / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars) / Consumer & popular magazines

REVUE Redesign

  • Prize
    Winner in Consumer & popular magazines / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars)
  • Company
  • Lead
    Guido Kröger
  • Client
    Éditions Revue S.A.

"Revue" is a German-language illustrated magazine published weekly (since 1945!) in Luxembourg. During +1 year of work, the new-look has been carefully created to make sure the publication reflects the changing way readers consume magazines. With a cleaner look, it incorporates new forms to provide editors with dynamic ways to tell stories of varying shapes and sizes and easy access points that are valued by readers – while expanding through more freedom in structure and choice of topics. The new format and (offset-)paper give the magazine a completely different touch and feel., that's award winning creative director Guido Kröger.