Awards and Prizes

Winners will receive the C2A certificate and winner logo, be featured in the online gallery exhibition and in the Book of Creative Communication, among other benefits.

Certificate of achievement

Winners Certificate detailing your project and lead designers.

C2A 2023 Winners Certificate


Seal of achievement

Make the best of your win by using the C2A Winner Seal to promote your winning online and on printed material: add the seal to all your marketing materials, your website, your email signature, your social media profiles.

C2A 2023 Badges

Online gallery

C2A Winners have their work showcased in the online gallery exhibition, giving them exposure to thousands of industry professionals, press, and potential clients worldwide.

2023 Winners Gallery

Book of Creative Communication

Featuring winning projects of the Creative Communication Award, the Book of Creative Communication celebrates and honors creativity, excellence, and outstandingly executed ideas in graphic, communication design, advertising, and digital media.

Being featured in the Book of Creative Communication allows winners to have a permanent record of their achievements and provides strong visibility worldwide.

Discover the online version of the 2023 C2A Book of Creative Communication, featuring the exceptional creative projects from around the world selected by the C2A jury as winners of the fourth edition of the C2A.

The 2023 book is now available on paperback. You can order it through the Lulu platform by clicking here.



The mission of the Creative Communication Award 2023 is to promote creativity, excellence, and outstanding ideas in communication design, advertising, and digital media.

Why Should You Register?

With 18 categories to choose from, C2A is the perfect platform for the worldwide creative community to showcase their work.
This award is a powerful cross-disciplinary platform from which to promote your campaigns, creative solutions, or ideas to a truly international market. It is a powerful message to your clients on your team’s excellent work and achievement.

Brand Differentiation

Becoming a C2A winner will set you apart from the competition. By carefully selecting the category you enter, you can create a niche to make you stand out from your competitors. The Creative Communication Award is an independent endorsement and an outstanding indicator of success.

Marketing Opportunities

Being associated with a business awards provides excellent PR opportunities. C2A Winners will improve brand awareness and support the promotion of your business to new creative professionals and potential clients worldwide. The team has strong relationships with major media which will maximize your company’s PR exposure.
After winning, make sure to update your marketing materials with the C2A logo, including your business cards, website, literature, email, and sales material. It’s important to make sure that people know what your business has achieved.

Increased Credibility

Becoming a C2A Winner acts as a 3rd-party endorsement for your business, an independent group of experts having provided unbiased evaluation of your work. Our winning badge is a sign of quality for potential customers and can be a part of your sales strategy. It’s a great way of differentiating your company from competitors.

Boosting Morale

Winning a Creative Communication Award is a very public way of recognizing the hard work and achievements of your staff. Awards should be celebrated as a team to boost morale.

Attracting Talent and Investment

Being recognized as a C2A Winner is building your brand to attract new talent and engage with potential investors.

Category Winners
Honorable Mention
Winners Interview - pictures and quotes to be extensively communicated
Mentioned in winners press release distributed to magazines, blogs and partners
Newsletter announcement to over 90,000 subscribers
Dedicated social media posts
Winner's Badge
Winner's Certificate
Exposure at online Winners' exhibition
Publicity benefits from extensive awards communication campaign