Best of Best 2023 / Typography / Typefaces

Caston Coffee Roasters

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Typefaces / Typography
    Winner in Brand identity / Branding, Beverage / Packaging
  • Company
  • Lead
    Yihuang Zhou
  • Team
    Designer: Yihuang Zhou, Designer: Yixuan Cao
  • Client
    Caston Coffee Roasters

Caston is a local coffee roastery based in a small town in China. Building upon its robust B2B business, Caston is ready to enter into the consumer-facing market. YSFT was invited to design the look and feel of the new era of Caston.The bespoke typeface's playful ligatures signifies the idea of using coffee to connect people and communities. A bright lime color also is used as highlights to ensure shelf presence. To make sure the packaging can effortlessly work across the company's vast product lineup, a sticker system is developed to allow details to be changed easily by the internal team.