Winner 2022 / Packaging / Beverage

Anniversary edition for Mumm sparkling wine

  • Prize
    Winner in Beverage / Packaging
  • Company
    Jaeger & Jaeger
  • Lead
    Olaf Jäger
  • Team
    Regina Jäger, Key Account, Tanja Weich, Design, Carina Kolb, Design, Nico Nolle, DTP
  • Client
    Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH
  • Credits
    Deco Glas GmbH, Print/Production

In 2022 Mumm will be exactly 100 years old. To mark this special birthday, a special bottle design has been created with art deco elements reminiscent of the style of the Golden Twenties.For the limited edition with the vintage sparkling wines Mumm Dry, Mumm Extra Dry and Mumm Rosé Dry, the style of the Golden Twenties was reinterpreted and characteristic Art Deco elements were transferred into the here and now. . Instead of conventional sleeve printing, the bottles are produced in direct glass printing so that plastic can be dispensed with.

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