Best of Best 2022 / Exhibition design / Temporary exhibitions

States of Matter

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Temporary exhibitions / Exhibition design
  • Company
    Susan Narduli Studio
  • Lead
    Susan Narduli
  • Team
    Susan Narduli, Sebastian Peschiera, Paris Young, Tommy Etkin
  • Client
    Commissioned by Broward County for the annual Light and Art Experience IGNITE
  • Credits
    Photos by Narduli Studio
  • Video

States of Matter reimagines the physical world as a virtual experience. Inspired by emerging research in quantum physics, the immersive video and sound environment makes visible the complex phenomena of matter through a poetic imagining of newly discovered states that exist beyond what we can perceive. Technologically, the artwork was created with custom algorithms that generate simulations through a physics-based logic. Fueled by physics and informed by aesthetics, States of Matter invites us to find our place within an evolving relationship between the physical and virtual worlds we inhabit.

Susan Narduli imagines a future based on the synergistic evolution of physical and virtual environments. Trained as both artist and architect, her work is at the forefront of a reimagining of how technology can shape a new typology of public space. Her dynamic, intelligent installations bridge traditional disciplines to create an architecture of experience through art. Commissions include public art, public space, generative architecture, virtual environments, interactive experiences and light and sound environments. Prior to starting her own firm, Narduli was Project Designer for Frank Gehry.