Best of Best 2021 / Online Media / Websites


  • Prize
    Best of Best in Websites / Online Media
    Winner in Online experiences / Online Media
  • University
    Vilnius Academy of Arts
  • Lead
    Natalija Caiko
  • Video

Is there a way to measure harmony of the surrounding processes? Statistics depicting natural processes are usually distributed according to Benford's law and indicate the harmony and validity of these phenomena. Holos project explores applicability of Benford’s law in various spheres of human activity and natural processes, revealing the beauty of harmonic mathematical world order. Each digit corresponds to a specific musical note that in combination creates unique melody. Holos offers real time data visualizations of daily earthquakes, covid-19, stock market prices and land area by country.

My name is Natalie Caiko. I'm a 35 year old emerging graphic designer and illustrator from Vilnius with a BA in Graphic Design(2021) from the Vilnius Academy of Arts, BA in Social Work (2007) and MA in Welfare Sociology(2009) from the Mykolas Romeris University.I am fond of conceptual projects that can benefit in educational and social systems.