Winner 2020 / Books / Other books

Refracting Reality

  • Prize
    Winner in Other books / Books
  • University
    Art Center College of Design
  • Lead
    Ching-Fa Lung
  • Credits
    Photography: Kevin Martin

Light has been the main part of our world since the beginning of time. We have learned to use light to tell stories, relate experiences, and communicate with one another. This book questions our perception of the world, by examining light through different forms of expression.A prism can be taken out of the book spine, and readers can experience traits of light such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interfere by using this. They can also interact with the book, as many of the images were curated with consideration of physical interaction, with coated and uncoated paper.

Ching-Fa Lung is a graphic designer who specializes in identity development that spans across multiple platforms. His design research is a harmony of understanding human behavior and narrative storytelling. By balancing creativity and rationality, he identifies and creates visual communications in dynamic ways.