Best of Best 2020 / Photography / Other

Quotidian life - Fine Art series

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Other / Photography
  • Company
    Daniel Castonguay Studios
  • Lead
    Daniel Castonguay
  • Video

My project "Quotidian life" is all about simple urban scenes. If we dwell on it a little, we notice that urban activity is comparable to a play, where everyone knows his role without really understanding the scenario or the outcome of the complete story. All of this seems a bit chaotic but, if we are able to capture images that each tell a story, all these little stories put together can ultimately form the entire play. It is comparable to a writing that comes in several volumes. My contribution is one of a secondary importance, as I act as an accessory character who enjoys the show.

Living in a great city, I was naturally driven to street photography and depicting the quotidian life in its simplest form. When I started in this field of photography, I worked accordingly to the established standards of the style. At a certain point, I got bored of not being able to illustrate the mood of the “moment”. In order to give a more authentic touch to my work, audacious and challenging the rules, I began to process my imagery to make it a little more mysterious.