Winner 2019 / UI & UX Design / User Experience Design

La Raza Digital Interactive

  • Prize
    Winner in User Experience Design / UI & UX Design
  • Lead
    Narduli Studio
  • Team
    Susan Narduli Studio, Raster Software Lab
  • Client
    Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA
  • Credits
    Documentation Photos by Narduli Studio
  • Video

From 1967-1977, La Raza provided a voice to the Chicano Rights movement unfolding across Los Angeles. Its archive of 25,000+ photographs bears witness to this struggle for social justice. Most of the images had never been seen. As part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, Narduli Studio was commissioned to bring the images to life in an interactive experience. We quickly realized that to truly experience this moment in history we needed to not only develop a practical system for navigation but create an explorable UX that would reveal the invisible data and underlying network of connections.

Susan Narduli imagines a future based on the synergistic evolution of physical and virtual environments. Trained as both artist and architect, her work is at the forefront of a reimagining of how technology can shape a new typology of public space. Her dynamic, intelligent installations bridge traditional disciplines to create an architecture of experience through art. Commissions include public art, public space, generative architecture, virtual environments, interactive experiences and light and sound environments. Prior to starting her own firm, Narduli was Project Designer for Frank Gehry.