For people with depression, what is produced is the separation of the spirit itself and the uncertainty of existence.Through sketch lines,the designer uses human rhythm to sketch lines,and according to Saudi Existentialism ,emphasizes that existence precedes essence. Using the symbol of the semicolon(;)to isolate the trapped melancholy essence and evolve into a free existence. The designer expects that according to Saudi existentialism, the person with depression can make the choice of identity, because the choice of identity can determine the core orientation of the self. I will be free.
CONCEPT The image occupies everyone's life. Since morning broken , millions image comes through . There are pictures?videos , people communicate it to get approval or to participate in others. Between human beings are similar to collective puzzles by pictures. When everyone is used to knowing the world we live in this way, this. What kind of world would it be? OVERALL Returning to the original nature of marketing, the brand itself is closer to the consumer, using the overall image planning and marketing techniques to make the essence of the brightness more dazzling.DESIGN-SIMPLE,VISUAL TOUCH