Three diverse typography-led posters showcasing the dynamic creativity of Shristi Singh's project,

Shristi Singh: From Chaos to Creative Brilliance

In the dynamic world of design and technology, Shristi Singh establishes a distinctive presence, combining her diverse skills as both a designer and a writer. Located in the heart of Brooklyn, New York, Singh draws endless inspiration from the city’s vibrant energy, fueling her imaginative explorations. As a notable personality at the Parsons School of Design, her innovative approach seamlessly integrates unconventional ideas with industry expectations, distinguishing her as a pioneer in her domain.

Project Highlight: Entropy

Unveiling the Aesthetics of Disarray

Winner in Brand Identity/Branding at the C2A Awards

Shristi Singh’s project “Entropy” explores the physics concept of entropy, highlighted in her program’s annual thesis showcase. This project secured top honors in the Brand Identity/Branding category at the C2A Awards, distinguished by her creative narrative that bridges order and chaos. Inspired by the fluidity of viscous liquids, the project’s design elements, such as posters and logomarks, effectively illustrate the essence of changing states, revealing the natural beauty found in disorder.

In Conversation with Shristi Singh

1. After your recent C2A Award win, how has this recognition influenced your outlook on your creative path or professional ventures?

Shristi Singh: It’s uplifting to receive recognition for my work. Being honored in the Student category inspires me to further perfect my designs, giving them a life beyond mere assignments. The chance to reach a broader audience through platforms like C2A has led to positive feedback, which ignites my passion to create even more. I am thankful for this opportunity.

2. Could you share insights from your journey through the C2A Awards’ submission and evaluation process?

Shristi Singh: Compiling the diverse aspects of my branding project was enlightening. It challenged me to enhance my submission, ensuring it fully represented my vision. I sought inspiration from past winners, learning from their presentation skills.

Two captivating typography-led posters capturing the essence of Shristi Singh's innovative project, "Entropy."

3. What ignites your creativity, and how do you approach the creative process?

Shristi Singh: New York City never ceases to spark my creativity, thanks to its endless energy. My process heavily relies on the project brief; thorough research often unveils fascinating angles that jump-start my creativity.

4.Can you discuss recent challenges you’ve faced in your career and how you’ve addressed them?

Shristi Singh: Defining my niche as a designer-developer is an ongoing challenge, especially as I navigate between industry norms and my penchant for experimentation. Fortunately, I’ve found supportive communities that nurture my unconventional approach.

5. How do you anticipate your C2A win affecting your reputation in the creative industry, and how do you plan to leverage this recognition?

Shristi Singh: This accolade has already bolstered my confidence, indirectly boosting my credibility. It’s a tangible affirmation that I’ll carry into future projects, ensuring my work remains of high quality.

6. Have you encountered new opportunities or partnerships since your win, and how might these influence your career trajectory?

Shristi Singh: Absolutely. Connecting with fellow student winners has opened up collaboration possibilities, laying a foundation for lasting networks and adding credibility to my introductions.

7. Do you expect the C2A Award to impact demand for your services or products?

Shristi Singh: Definitely. While it’s hard to measure exactly how much my portfolio influences client interest, the award adds legitimacy and relevance.

8. What aspects of the C2A Awards experience did you find most valuable, and would you recommend participation to peers?

Shristi Singh: The process of refining a project to professional standards is invaluable, especially for student works. I’d encourage others to participate for this experience.

A striking single typography-led poster from Shristi Singh's acclaimed project, "Entropy."

9. Looking forward, do you plan to submit to the next C2A Awards, and what motivates your continued participation?

Shristi Singh: I’m excited to explore beyond branding with new projects in typography and digital design. The C2A Awards offer a fantastic platform to showcase these endeavors.

10. How do you stay informed about industry trends, and are there any you’re excited to explore?

Shristi Singh: Awards like C2A provide a window into industry preferences and audience appeal. While I don’t strictly follow trends, they can offer inspiration for personal projects.

11. What plans and aspirations are you excited about, and how do you see your creative journey evolving?

Shristi Singh: I’m keen on leveraging design in education, and addressing gaps in current learning frameworks. The potential for design to enhance educational experiences is immense.

12. Could you share the inspiration behind your award-winning “Entropy” project?

Shristi Singh: The theme of Entropy, representing our class’s thesis exhibition, offered a canvas to explore the balance between order and chaos—a reflection of the student mindset during finals.

A comprehensive view of Shristi Singh's "Entropy" project presentation

Embracing Disorder with Shristi Singh

Shristi Singh’s extraordinary journey is a compelling story of transforming chaos into creative excellence. Her skill in blending the fields of design and technology, while immersed in the dynamic creativity of Brooklyn, distinguishes her as a leading figure in her field. Her achievements at the C2A Awards not only highlight her talent but also foretell a future rich with groundbreaking projects and significant contributions to the design world. Singh’s “Entropy” project, seamlessly connecting order and chaos, showcases her innovative approach to design narrative. As she continues to find inspiration in her lively environment and challenge the norms of design, we eagerly anticipate the impact of her future projects on the industry. Shristi Singh’s path reflects the essence of creativity, determination, and innovation, motivating the next wave of designers to unlock the hidden possibilities amidst the chaos.


More about Shristi Singh and the Project:

C2A – Shristi Singh (Parsons School of Design) – Winner in Brand identity / Branding

Parsons School of Design – More:

The New School – Website

Other C2A Winners:

2023 C2A Winners