The ARAG Group is the largest family enterprise in the German insurance industry. Twenty years ago, Lord Norman Foster designed the ARAG Tower, which features sustainable architecture. What could be more natural than to conduct an exclusive interview with him on the subject in ARAG's sustainability report? In the interview, he explains why design is a social act and why sustainable architecture is becoming increasingly important. The magazine thus becomes a contemporary document - because the almost 86-year-old Foster rarely gives interviews anymore.
We are one of the oldest owner-managed agencies in Germany. Since 1972, we have been serving international corporations and medium-sized companies from the DACH region from our offices in Cologne and Berlin with a staff of 25. Our clients currently include ARAG, the Bertelsmann Foundation, Canada Life Assurance Europe, Clariant, Continental, Deutsche Bahn, Fiducia & GAD, Generali, GTAI, Haribo, MANN+HUMMEL, Merz Pharma, NRW.Bank, Symrise and UBS. With great content, we help these companies achieve their goals.